
Gintama Season 1 (Eps. 1-49) (Dual Audio JPBD Remuxes)

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250.36 GB
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Files ( 48 )size
Gintama - S01E01-E02 (001-002) - Guys! Have You Got Balls!.mkv9.77 GB
Gintama - S01E17 (017) - Sons Only Take After Their Fathers' Negative Attributes.mkv5.45 GB
Gintama - S01E35 (035) - Love Doesn’t Require a How-To Book (Extended) + Never Judge Someone By Their Looks.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E43 (043) - Characters Should Be Unique Enough For Anyone To Be Able To Tell Who They Are Just By Their Silhouettes.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E29 (029) - Don’t Panic – There’s a Return Policy! + I Told You to Pay Attention to the News!.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E33 (033) - Getting Someone's Name Wrong is Just Plain Rude!.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E32 (032) - Life Moves on Like a Conveyor Belt.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E34 (034) - Love Doesn’t Require a How-To Book.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E31 (031) - The Things That Don't Really Matter Are the Things You Always Remember.mkv5.28 GB
Gintama - S01E45 (045) - Walk Your Dog at an Appropriate Speed.mkv5.25 GB
Gintama - S01E37 (037) - Those Who Insist That Santa Doesn't Exist Actually Wanna Belive.mkv5.24 GB
Gintama - S01E36 (036) - People Who Have Something to Hide Tend to Talk a Lot.mkv5.23 GB
Gintama - S01E30 (030) - Even Teen Idols Are No Different from Everyone Else, For the Most Part.mkv5.23 GB
Gintama - S01E44 (044) - Mom’s Busy Too, So Quit Complaining What’s for Dinner!.mkv5.23 GB
Gintama - S01E42 (042) - Pee On the Worm and Terrible Consequence Awaits.mkv5.21 GB
Gintama - S01E49 (049) - Life Without Gambling is Like Sushi Without Wasabi.mkv5.2 GB
Gintama - S01E46 (046) - Wait 'til You're an Adult to Go to a Hostess Bar.mkv5.19 GB
Gintama - S01E39 (039) - Ramen Shops with Large Menus Generally Never Do Well.mkv5.17 GB
Gintama - S01E47 (047) - Do Cherries Really Grow from Cherry Blossom Tree.mkv5.17 GB
Gintama - S01E38 (038) - Only Kids Get Excited Over Snow + Eating Ice Cream in Winter Is Awesome.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E15 (015) - Pets Resemble Their Owner.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E19 (019) - Why is the Sea So Salty - Because You City Folk Pee Whenever You Go Swimming.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E18 (018) - Oh, Yeah! Our Crib is Number One.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E48 (048) - The More You're Alike, the More You Fight - Whatever You Play, Play to Win.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E21 (021) - If You're a Man, Catch a Marlin! + If You Go to Sleep With the Fan On, You'll Get a Stomachache.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E20 (020) - Watch Out For Conveyor Belts!.mkv5.16 GB
Gintama - S01E16 (016) - If You Stop and Think About It, Your Life’s a Lot Longer as an Old Guy Than a Kid! Whoa, Scary!.mkv5.15 GB
Gintama - S01E40 (040) - Give a Thought to Planned Pregnancy.mkv5.14 GB
Gintama - S01E41 (041) - You Can't Judge a Movie by Its Title.mkv5.14 GB
Gintama - S01E14 (014) - Boys Have a Weird Ritual that Makes Them Think They Turn Into Men When They Touch a Frog.mkv5.13 GB
Gintama - S01E06 (006) - If You Make a Promise, Keep It. Even If It Kills You.mkv5.09 GB
Gintama - S01E11 (011) - Look, Overly Sticky Sweet Dumplings Are Not Real Dumplings, You Idiot!.mkv5.09 GB
Gintama - S01E08 (008) - There Is Butt a Fine Line Between Persistence and Stubbornnes.mkv5.09 GB
Gintama - S01E12 (012) - People Who Make Good First Impressions Usually Suck.mkv5.09 GB
Gintama - S01E10 (010) - When You're Tired, Eat Something Sour.mkv5.08 GB
Gintama - S01E13 (013) - If You're Going to Cosplay, Go All Out.mkv5.06 GB
Gintama - S01E07 (007) - Pet Owners Should Take Full Responsibility For Their Pets.mkv5.06 GB
Gintama - S01E27 (027) - Some Things Can’t Be Cut with a Sword.mkv5.06 GB
Gintama - S01E04 (004) - Watch Out! Weekly Comic Books Might Not Always Come Out on Wednesdays!.mkv5.06 GB
Gintama - S01E09 (009) - Fighting Should Be Done With Fist.mkv5.05 GB
Gintama - S01E03 (003) - Nobody with a Mop Top Can be That Bad.mkv5.03 GB
Gintama - S01E05 (005) - Make Friends You Can Call by Their Nicknames, Even When You Become Old Farts.mkv5 GB
Gintama - S01E24 (024) - Cute Faces Are Always Hiding Something.mkv4.81 GB
Gintama - S01E23 (023) - If You Find Yourself Lost, Keep On Laughing, Laughing!.mkv4.81 GB
Gintama - S01E26 (026) - Don't Be Shy - Just Raise Your Hand and Speak Up!.mkv4.78 GB
Gintama - S01E25 (025) - Life is Like A Shared Hot Pot.mkv4.76 GB
Gintama - S01E28 (028) - Good Things Never Last, But Bad Things Come Repeatedly.mkv4.76 GB
Gintama - S01E22 (022) - Marriage is Just Prolonging an Illusion for Your Entire Life.mkv4.71 GB

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